The story of Nagar Bhaban (Narayanganj City Corporation) unfolds a unique architectural expression, deeply connected to the area's rich cultural heritage. Client’s brief was to established a dialogue between heritage and modernity reflecting historic Narayanganj’s essence through clean lines, red-brick hues, and graceful arches that honor the past and present.
The building makes a grand entrance leading into an elevated central public plaza, an inviting space that accentuates the structure’s civic importance and sense of openness. This focal point transits the plan into a square layout with a twist—a rectangular shift that brings depth and visual appeal to the form. To cut the western sun the design incorporates recessed windows, and louver for controlled natural light and minimizing heat gain. These architectural elements connect the architecture of Nagar Bhaban with its microclimate, creating a design that reflects the local context.
Further, Nagar Bhavan caters Community Centers services. A defining feature is in ground-floor, mother and child healthcare center—a rare inclusion among city corporation buildings in Bangladesh, embodying an accessible, community-driven spirit. The upper floors house Mayon’s office and other departments in spacious, well-lit interiors, designed with open floor functionality, and efficiency for employees.