VITTI received "Inclusive Design Excellence Award for Architecture" from the American Institute of Architects (AIA International) at their 11th International Conference on October 26 in Hong Kong for the project Baral Biddya Niketon.
The design embraces phenomenology, encouraging students to engage with their surroundings. Passive principles enhance natural lighting and ventilation, reducing energy use. Two single-story blocks align with the site’s edges, while a 25-meter double-stacked block shapes the “Uthan”—a central courtyard. Locally sourced materials like mahogany, clay tiles, bamboo, terracotta, and an earthen library enhance insulation while supporting the local economy. Rainwater is collected through rain chains, soak pits, and permeable surfaces, while a gentle ramp around the courtyard ensures inclusivity, merging function with nature.
Baral Biddya Niketon up hold a time-tested traditional construction process and wisdom. The design beholds an environmentally respectful, inclusive space that promotes equity, resilient spaces, and economic growth for all.
You can learn more about the awards and this year's winners on our awards pages.
And view photos of the Design Awards presentation at the AIA International Conference here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBQVsD.
To know more about this project please visit the link : https://vitti.com.bd/boral-biddya-niketon/