We are looking for smart energetic and hard working team members
Vitti’s 34-year journey is a polymathic pursuit—a relentless search for narratives that can redefine the design for tomorrow at local level.
Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed Park has been honored with the Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture at its 11th Cycle held at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel.
While many children might prefer staying home to watch television or play video games, the students of Boral Bidya Niketan are eager to head to school each day.
হেমন্তের সকালে হাজির হয়েছিলাম চাটমোহরের কুমারগাড়া গ্রামে, বড়াল বিদ্যানিকেতনে। পথেই দেখেছি শিশুরা ব্যাগ কাঁধে স্কুলের দিকে ছুটছে। স্কুলে পৌঁছে তারা প্রথমে সারিবদ্ধভাবে শ্রেণিকক্ষে প্রবেশ করল। শ্রেণিকক্ষের নির্ধারিত বক্সে ব্যাগটি রেখে সবাই চলে এল বিদ্যালয় প্রাঙ্গণে।
We are excited to share that Baral Biddya Niketan in Chatmohor, Pabna, received two prestigious awards from the American Institute of Architects (AIA International) at their 11th International Conference on October 26 in Hong Kong. It honored with the Merit Award for Architecture, for visionary design and functionality, along with the Inclusive Design Excellence Award (IDEA) for 2024.
Our project depicts a simple yet powerful truth idea: that communities should actively shape their surrounded open spaces where they feel at home. Instead of imposing a design, we pursued to co-create something meaningful by joining hands with those who would live, play, and find joy in these spaces.
"Bon-er-Bari" Featured at 'Collective Language: Asian Contemporary Architecture Exhibition
The Urban Performance Index by Economic Impact supported by Un-Habibtat covers an interview to explore Hatirjheel's Influence on the Heat Island Effect and Economic Benefits of Urban renaissance and resilience with architect as well as environmentalist Iqbal Habib.
Architect Sujaul Islam Khan Reflects on Modern Architecture in Bangladesh (1947-2019), Highlighting Significant Projects
In Recent fire hazards at Baily Road, ranging from deteriorating facades to disastrous collapses, the fragility of buildings has become evident to everyone
We fear that countless structures may be teetering on the brink of disaster, held together by fragile threads of neglect and oversight.
আগে থেকে জানাশোনা না থাকলে রিসোর্ট ভেবে যে কেউ ভুল করতে পারেন, কিন্তু আসলে এটি একটি অবকাশ বাড়ি। ‘বনের বাড়ি’ নামের এই বাড়ি এবার ফিলিপাইনে অনুষ্ঠিত আর্ক এশিয়ার ২০তম কংগ্রেসে ‘একক আবাসিক বাড়ি’ বিভাগে সম্মানজনক পুরস্কার জিতেছে। বনের মধ্যে সেই বাড়িতেই একটা দিন কাটিয়ে এলেন হাসান ইমাম
Since Narayanganj is a historic and bustling city, design approach was to connect heritage and contemporary design to create a responsive design towards society.
BBC reality trip, a documentary about the workers, slum housing and the Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage site of Bangladesh.
At the Arc Asia Congress in Boracay Island, Philippines, VITTI Sthapati Brindo has clinched their second Arc Asia Award for their exceptional "Bon-er-Bari" project. This recognition marks the project's global acclaim.
Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed Park is not just a tribute to nature's beauty but also a symbol of the city's dedication to creating green spaces for its residents.
For the first time Vitti is presenting in person, the experience of Co creating public space in the USA @ AIA conference A'23.
'VITTI'—The Atelier evolved in 1991 as a design studio under the very guidance of subcontinental Master Architect Muzharul Islam. In 1993, the ‘Atelier’ transformed into a limited company, ‘VITTI Sthapati Brinda Ltd.' with three young architects, Ishtiaque, Ehsan and Iqbal . Currently, the team consists of around 100 people, including Architects, Planners, CAD technicians, Engineers, Administrative Staff, and Support staff. At present, the team is led by Md. Ishtiaque Zahir and Md. Iqbal Habib.